Dark and, at times, amusing fiction from award-winning author Dave Zeltserman

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I Love a Mystery on Pariah

"PARIAH is a suspense novel at its very best with a protagonist who is far, far over on the other side of the law. Zeltserman has outdone himself with this depiction of a near-psychopathic personality that is driven by its own strange set of moral principles. The portrayal rings too true. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED."

Read the complete review here.


Corey Wilde said...

Nice review; congrats because it is well deserved. But what do they mean by NEAR-psychopathic??? :-) How much nearer can a guy get?

Dave Zeltserman said...

thanks, Corey, but hey, Kyle's just a misunderstood guy with a lot of love in heart!

Corey Wilde said...

Now look, you've made me spew my coffee all over the computer monitor.