The trends continue as new reviews popped up with readers seriously digging The Caretaker of Lorne Field and Small Crimes. Here's an excerpt from Ginger Nuts of Horror's review of The Caretaker of Lorne Field.
This book is being marketed as a horror book, which in my opinion is a misfortune, for this like The Thief of Broken Toys, transcends the horror genre. There has been talk about what is literary horror. I'll tell you it's this. This book is dense with themes, how far will a man go to defend his beliefs. How society treats those they no longer feel are useful. Zeltserman handles these themes with the skill and deftness of an author at the top of his game. This is a moving and haunting book that will stay with you long after you've turned the last page. Buy this book now, in fact buy two copies and give one to a friend, they'll be indebted to you.

Over at Man Eating Bookworm, Peter Leonard reviews Small Crimes. Here's an excerpt:
You see that quote up in the corner of the cover? The one by Ken Bruen? That, Wormies, is totally accurate.
This year has seen a monumental shift in my reading trends and interests. I've delved into a genre I pretty much ignored in the past. The mystery/crime section at the bookstore was just the place I had to travel between general fiction and horror and fantasy.
All that has changed and one of the writers that has been responsible for that change is Dave Zeltserman. I'm loving everything he's writing and he's making me a fan of the genre.
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