The 25 copies I was allotted went fast, but I'm giving out 10 more copies--but here's the catch: you must read and post a review on Amazon by April 1st (we're looking for honest reviews only--good, bad, indifferent, it doesn't matter as long as it's honest), or you'll have The Enforcer (AKA Ed Gorman) knocking on your door with his Louisville slugger in hand. To offer some added enticement, some early reviews are already starting to come in.
"If you need an example of truth in advertising, Top Suspense will do the job. Each memorable story evoked a strong reaction, whether humor or horror, noir-weary despair or holy crap shock." Earful of Cider, read review here.
"The title says it all. Twelve writers at the top of their form in these stories." Not The Baseball Pitcher, read review here.
"This past week, Top Suspense released their first anthology which I can enthusiastically recommend to BTAP readers." David Cramner, The Education of a Pulp Writer
So if you can read and review the Top Suspense Anthology on Amazon by April 1st, and are willing to suffer the consequences of a visit by The Enforcer if you don't, send me an email at dave.zeltserman@gmail.com and let me know whether you'd like a Kindle, epub or PDF version.
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