The Hunted and The Dame are the first two ebooks in what I hope readers will find an exciting new novella series from me that mixes hardboiled crime with government conspiracy. Each of these are going to be between 85-110 pages long, which I think is the perfect length for Kindle reading.
The Richard Stark/Parker influence in these will be evident from the sparse prose, the crime heist in The Dame (and heists in future novellas), and the name of my anti-hero, Dan Willis (Parker's cover identity in the early books was Chuck Willis), and while I think Parker fans are going to enjoy these they're still very different. The government conspiracy running through these books will make them very different.
Hi Dave,
Hope it's cool if I make a small request. Feel free to ignore.
I'm a fan. The books look great. Love the idea. Excellent price. I'm not an e-book reader, but I'll buy these if that's the only format. All's well.
In the future, can we have more options other than Amazon? I don't know if you signed an exclusive. But if I can spread around my book-buying dollars so Mammon doesn't take all, that'd be rad. And more importantly, I'd prefer to own the more portable + versatile PDF or ePub instead of a company-licensed proprietary file.
That said, if you did sign a contract (a certain bargain perhaps? :), no worries. Just making my lil' request from the ethers.
And either way, I can't wait to read the books. Thanks for all the great stories.
Hi Matt,
I hear you. Amazon's new KDP Select program requires a 3 month exclusive, and gives authors like myself the best chance to sell ebooks, so I've got to go with that for now. I wouldn't worry about giving Amazon too much business. Books like mine are a drop in the ebook bucket. The real money is in the big named bestsellers, and B&N has 27% of the ebook business and continues to grow market share.
Hi Dave,
Thank you very much for replying. Okay, that makes sense. Just thought I'd ask. And I wanted to be sure I didn't miss any other options. I'll download the Kindle app tomorrow so I can start reading 'em.
Thanks again,
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