I was able to talk with a grief-stricken Lily Rosten for several minutes this morning, and here's what I've found out:
A massive explosion occurred at five PM Tuesday at Julius's townhouse, with the police believing the explosion originated in Julius's wine cellar. I know from my work with Julius that he usually visits his wine cellar at five each evening to select a bottle, which he'll bring out to his patio.
A body has been removed from the townhouse. The body has been burnt beyond recognition, and a DNA test will be performed to see if it's Julius. The police have told Lily they expect to have the result by early next week.
There's nothing about Archie. I've tried calling him several times without any answer. I don't want to speculate any further, at least not until the police announce the results of their DNA test.
I'll report more here as news comes in.
Poor Lily. I hope she has, um, someone staying with her to support her throughout this ordeal.