Monday, June 6, 2011

Reviews and Interviews

Over the last week a whole bunch of reviews of my books and interviews with me have shown up on the web.

First, the reviews and interviews from Man Eating Bookworm:

Me and Archie chatting
An interview with me
Julius Katz and Archie review
Killer review
Outsourced review

Hydraulic Blog Splitter review for Outsourced

Somebody Dies review for The Caretaker of Lorne Field

Translation of the French newspaper, Libération's, review of Small Crimes.

Kicking off new interview series with Ian Rowan at More News From Nowhere

Talking with Allan Guthie over at Criminal-E

Interview at The Examiner

Review for On Dangerous Ground over at Randall Johnson's blog (not the baseball pitcher!)


  1. Great set of reviews, Dave -- and just looking at them all at once gives a vivid picture of how diverse and exciting your writing is. We're looking forward to seeing you at Kingdom Books on Sat. June 11, with book lovers coming for the 11 a.m. slot. Ever notice there's hardly any typographical difference between the words "grim" and "grin"? Betcha we'll have plenty of both. Anyone in/near New England interested in stopping by, give us a shout. And we'll ship signed copies if you arrange with us ahead of time.

  2. Beth, I'm looking forward to it too, and I hope everyone who wants an autographed copy of one of my books contacts Kingdom Books!

