Thursday, August 12, 2010

In Some Fine Shamus Company

2010 Shamus Award Nominees for Best PI Short Story are:

“The Dark Island,” by Brendan DuBois (from Boston Noir, Akashic)
“Deadline Edition,” by S.L. Franklin (Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine, April 2009)
“Blazin’ on Broadway,” by Gary Phillips (from Phoenix Noir, edited by Patrick Millikin; Akashic)
“Suicide Bonds,” by Tim L. Williams (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, March/April 2009)
Julius Katz,” by Dave Zeltserman (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, September/October 2009)

I'm honored to be nominated among such a fine group of writers, especially Brendan DuBois who I've enjoyed reading for years. Now if you want to read 'Julius Katz', I've got four ways of you doing it:

1) Track down the Sept/Oct 2009 issue of Elleru Queen
2) As a $0.99 Amazon kindle download
3) As a free PDF
4) Wait for the release of 'By Hook or By Crook and 30 more of the Best Crime and Mystery Stories of the Year', edited by Ed Gorman and Martin Greenberg.

Archie's reaction to the news.

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