Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Signed ARCS for Caretaker

Last night at my reading at the Mysterious Bookshop in Manhattan, my Overlook Press publicist dropped off a stack of ARCs for 'The Caretaker of Lorne Field' at the bookstore, which I signed. Caretaker isn't out until July, but you can get a signed ARC for it now. Mysterious Bookshop will be giving out the ARCS they have with each purchase of a signed copy of Pariah. Not a bad deal.

Also last night, I got to meet Otto Penzler, who let me know that my story 'Julius Katz' has made their 50 list for next year's Best American Mystery Story anthology. Now I've just got to wait to see which stories their guest editor ends up picking for inclusion.


  1. 'Julius Katz' is such a terrific creation. I'm glad to see it is getting the kudos it deserves.

  2. thanks, David. Hopefully there will be many more Julius and Archie adventures.

  3. Congrats! I got my fingers crossed for Julius and Archie.
