Monday, March 23, 2009

From Hollywood Reporter

How cool is this?


  1. This is awesome! You're making a quick run to becoming a household name, Dave!

  2. That's majorly bitchin', as a Hollywood buddy of mine used to say.

  3. Thanks, all. After years of roaming the wilderness, things seem to be happening.

  4. Congrats!

    Always nice to see a talened, good fella get a break.

  5. Hooray!!

    And this is just the beginning, except for all those years roamng the wilderness, of course.


  6. Jeremy, Terrie, thanks, now just gotta see if this movie gets made..

  7. That is just awesome, that you can get a movie deal before the book is even published. I'm thinking, I have GOT to read this book.

  8. Corey, thanks. IT's been interesting (frustrating) how much more receptive Hollywood's been than NY publishing. Even with the UK rights sold to Serpent's Tail and a film option with a major studio, I'm still getting NY houses balking at this because of worries of it being too dark and violent, which is the same I kept getting with Small Crimes. No surprise to me at all that NY publishing is struggling.

  9. Too dark and violent? 'Small Crimes'?? Publishers are cranking out serial killers as heroes (can you say Dexter?) and gore that's bloody enough to make even a hard case like me retch, but 'Small Crimes' is too dark and violent? Does that mean the current definition of 'too dark and violent' is 'has subtext but no gratuitously graphic sex and no vampire romance'?

    Good God, no wonder you're frustrated.

  10. Corey, I think if it's shallow comicbook over-the-top violence, that seems to be okay, but yeah, if there's subtext and a sense of realism, they seem to shrink away from that. But fortunately there are publishers like Serpent's Tail that go the opposite direction.

