Sunday, December 14, 2008

My name wrong again

BookBitch probably has the most creative misspelling of my name that I've seen yet (Zeletserman), but they're highly recommending Small Crimes in their review, so all's good. More on the web, former Chicago Tribune book reviewer, Dick Adler, who gets my name right, has some nice things to say about Small Crimes over at his blog, The Knowledgeable Blogger, including: "Great plot twists, a family straight from hell, lots of sharp and often hilarious writing. Who could ask for anything more?" Also, Steven Sill over at I Love A Mystery feels Small Crimes is noir at its best. And finally,The South African paper, The Citizen, reviews Small Crimes, and also likes it.


  1. You and Swiercysink, er, Sweersinks, er, Whathisname have a real problem, all right.

  2. Bill, next time around if I get a chance to use a psuedonym, it's going to be something simple. Like Steven King or J.(ohn) K.(ane) Rowling...
