Sunday, June 8, 2008

Fast Lane and other Point Blank Books--50% off

The online Shocklines bookstore is shutting down sometime this year, and they're selling off their Pointblank inventory at 50% discount, and according to their web-site, free shipping. So if you ever wondered about "Fast Lane" and why Poisoned Pen bookstore named it one of the best hardboiled books of the year that it came out, or if you just want a wild noir thriller to tide you until the October US release of Small Crimes. here's your chance to get a copy cheap. Just go to:

and use the coupon code 'WILDFIFTY' to get your 50% discount.

And to read more about Fast Lane, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Don Anderson says:

    Thanks for the tip, Dave. As you know, I've owned FAST LANE for ages. But I took the opportunity to pick up SECRET DEAD MEN, by that Swierzy guy.
