Friday, January 18, 2008

A Hardluck Edgar Congrats

I'd like to congratulate the following authors nominated for Edgars who've been connected to Hardluck--either from allowing us to publish their excellent stories, acting as guest editor, or being profiled on our pages:

Ken Bruen--Priest (Best Novel)
Craig McDonald--Head Games (Best First Novel)
Vicki Hendricks--Cruel Poetry (Best PBO)
Reed Farrel Coleman--Soul Patch (Best Novel)

I'd also like to congratulate both MWA for recognizing such an excellent noir novel as Russell Hill's "Robbie's Wife" for a PBO nomination, and Russell Hill for this well-deserved recognition. This is one of the best pure noir novels I've read in years, and it was great to see something this unrelentingly dark nominated.

1 comment:

  1. Read SOUL PATCH but not the others.

    Which was something i really noticed this year with the nominations. Almost all of them I had not read and had not heard of before they were announced. And here I thought I was hip to what was/is out there.
