Wednesday, June 6, 2007

My "Bogusly Autobiographical Life in Writer's Hell" Series

I have written a series of short crime fiction that I refer to as my "bogusly autobiographical life in writer's hell" stories. What I like to do with these is have just enough superficial similarities with myself that they appear autobiographical even though they're completely fictitious. Usually I get several concerned emails when one's published. The first of them, More than a Scam, could be the first (and maybe only??) Nigerian email scam story written, and received honorable mention in the 2003 Best American Mystery Stories anthology. Here's the complete series so far (all online), but more will follow, and maybe even a novel.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Not bad from the back either...

Bad Thoughts, that is. Back cover turned out as impressive as the front. You can click on the image to enlarge it.